Marketing with Ease,
Joy in Success!


Your Chief Marketing Officer


Discover the joy of marketing and the success good marketing brings.

With nearly 25 years marketing experience I recognize and embrace opportunity and the power of NOW to make things happen for you and your brand.

Whether you’re a global business, regional retailer or local start-up, I bring passion, deep marketing expertise and an unrelenting drive to make a positive impact.

There are just a select few people I would provide my highest praise and 5-Star recommendation for without caveat or hesitation. Ali Kennedy (no relation) is one of those people. She has the full package of endlessly positive attitude, highly productive work style, and a keen decision-maker/problem-solver. Ali’s boundless energy and relentless effort deliver results day in and day out. Smart, perceptive, conscientious, organized, empathetic all sync to Ali. Best of all, she’s friendly, likable and a joy to be around. 5-Star!

- Aaron Kennedy, Founder of Noodles & Company


Let’s Talk!

I love digital marketing and would love to help your brand be its most radiant!